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College Board



Copyeditor & Proofreader

I use College Board’s house style and brand guidelines to copyedit materials like
SAT and PSAT manuals, course development guides, and sample syllabi for the
AP Program. I also work with the communications team to ensure clear and clean copy while running large, self-managed projects.




Feminist Press



Copyeditor & Proofreader

I copyedit, fact check, and offer feedback on trade books of nonfiction and fiction, translated works, anthologies, and the academic journal Women’s Studies Quarterly.
I also proofread galleys for typographical, grammatical, and formatting errors using PDF and handwritten entry.




Amazon Web Services




I copyedited PowerPoint presentation decks for the AWS re:Invent 2020 conference using house style and Chicago, while checking for seamless transitions, animations, operational master templates, legal and copyright issues, and more. I often met directly with presenters in virtual speaker ready rooms to refine their presentations. I managed a discrete project workload while also integrating into structured group workflow using AWS-specific programs and protocols.




Redstockings archives



Writer & editor (2013–present)

I currently write and edit fundraising letters, press releases, social media posts, blog posts, website copy, and much more—always ensuring that Redstockings messaging is on brand and politically aligned. I’m also helping to research and write a comprehensive chronology of more than fifty years of Redstockings history and politics. I’ve created style sheets and templates, verified that copyedits are entered accurately, and routinely checked the website for copy and formatting errors.


operations coordinator & permissions manager (20152019)

I worked closely with the director of the archives to plan and prioritize projects, while expanding the archives’ collection and impact. I executed all external requests for archival materials and interviews. I often led coordinating meetings, made agendas, invited consultants, and managed a large team of junior archival administrators. As permissions manager, I compared reprinted editions with in-house archival documents to identify missing content or layout errors. I also secured reprint and permissions contracts with writers, publishers, artists, and producers.


Archival Administrator (20132015)
I catalogued archival holdings, digitized rare materials, and managed data entry and database upkeep. I also frequently helped organize and execute in-person events,

prepare conference materials, and correspond with friends of the archive.




Heisman Trophy Trust



Copyeditor, fact checker, line editor

I offered substantial line edits and rewrites to articles by multiple authors for the Heisman Trophy Trust Awards Journal. I also provided new content and rewrites based on factual errors and messaging issues.


select Work with organizations

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